What is the difference between dreams and reality?
There are two primary definitions that come to mind when a person thinks of the word "dreams."
1. "A succession of images, thoughts or emotions passing through the mind during sleep"
2. "an aspiration; goal; or aim."
I believe that, to many, these can both have the same meaning, something that cannot be obtained. Something that is imaginary. Yes, I agree, some dreams we have while asleep are very bizarre and pretty far fetched. But so are some dreams we have in life. But could they not possibly be true someday or somewhere? Many believed that flight was just a reality yet on December 17, 1903, after years of failure, the Wright Brothers flew 852 ft. The dream of flight back then was very far-fetched, yet it did happen and it became a reality.
As human beings we are capable of many great things, we are capable of whatever we set our minds to. We can put man on the moon, make microchips that are smaller than a strand of hair, you name it!
I believe that many people who have dreams never really make those dreams come true. They have those dreams yet know deep down they will never become a reality. Or they have just settled into a reality where dreams are just dreams and nothing more. I hear it all the time especially from my parents. I tell them about dreams I have of getting a sailboat and sailing around the world and they just say, "oh I was like that when I was younger too, but now I accepted the reality of getting a house and family and settling down." Deep down I KNOW that my dreams will become a reality. They may take some time, or longer than expected but they will.
Turning dreams into a reality is possible for anyone, no matter who you are, your background, your financial situation, anything. Alls you have to do is set your mind, and especially your heart on that goal, and it will become a reality one day.
I shall add more on this subject later, but thats my two cents for today.